Chris Pollett > Old Classes >

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Grades: [Sec2]

Submit: [Sec2]

Course Info:
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  [HW Info]
  [Exam Info]

HW Assignments:
  [Hw1]  [Hw2]  [Hw3]
  [Hw4]  [Hw5]

Practice Exams:
  [Mid1]  [Mid2]  [Final]


HW#1 --- last modified January 01 1970 00:00:00..

Solution set.

Due date: Sep 16

Files to be submitted:

Purpose: To make sure people can get some Palm development environment correctly set up on their machines at home, as well to gain experience with memory management on the Palm.


For this assignment your job is to modify the hello.c program from page 90 in the book. The hello.c that you submit should output the person's name backwards followed by the name forwards. For instance, clicking Say Goodbye after typing the name Fred would should pop up an alert with: ``Fare thee well, dreFFred.'' your program will have to allocate more memory through the memory manager to store this longer string. The hello.prc file should contain a working compiled program. (Just to make sure you can actually compile something.)

Point Breakdown

Departmental coding guidelines for C followed. Only need to do this for part of code you modify. 1pt
hello.prc seems to be obtained from compiling your hello.c and the other files from the CD-Rom 2pts
Use MemHandleNew (orMemHandleResize), MemHandleLock, MemHandleUnlock, MemSet, and MemMove constructively5pts (1 each)
Program does what it supposed to without memory leaks. 2pts